Designing Your Kitchen Remodel
We at Salt Point Services have renovated and built a LOT of kitchens - our best estimations are around 300! Whether you have a tiny apartment corner or a expansive kitchen - we’ve seen it all, and have accumulated a wealth of knowledge about best practices for designing a kitchen.
Here’s a basic list of 10 fundamental design suggestions for a kitchen remodel:
Appliance Locations:
Where to put the appliances you’re so excited to use? Most of the time there aren’t many options for locations, but if you have the space for it - consider the “triangle” configuration:
Be strategic with the layout of these. Find the balance of a comfortable work space without having to make a long trek between each appliance. Ideally, these appliances should make an actual triangle configuration, and other times they’re on one side of the island. Everyone is different in their preferences - pay attention to your habits and think about what would work best for you and your family when planning your kitchen. Basic Appliance Layouts:
L-shaped (two sides of countertops/workspace)
U-shaped (three sides of countertops/workspace)
G-shaped (U-shaped plus a peninsula)
Galley (two sides of countertops/workspace facing one another)
Where do you want your sink? We personally love a sink under the window, but that’s not always an option. Do you want a statement sink, a utility sink? 2 sections or a large tub? Under a window, in the middle island, in the corner? (As an aside: If you can pick where your dishwasher is going - next to sink is a smart choice!)
Small Appliances:
Things like microwaves, coffee makers, mixers, wine racks, etc. can be tricky. Think through how often you use these items and where they are going to live in your kitchen. Should they be easily accessible or can they be put in cabinets, behind doors, etc.
If you have space for a pantry - awesome! If you don’t have space for a traditional pantry give some thought to how food might be stored in your kitchen. If you don’t have space for a pantry, there are some clever ways to create space for this purpose.
Trash Location:
When I cook, I tend to make a mess and create a lot of trash. It’s helpful for me to have my trash near the food prep area. Did you plan where your trash should go or was it an afterthought? We encourage clients to build these into the kitchen rather than having the “floating garbage can.” It’s more efficient and polished.
Pots & Pans Storage:
How do you want to access and store your pots and pans? On shelves? In drawers? Hanging over the island? Do you want them to make a statement on the wall? Lots of options for this!
It’s easy to forget about one of the most-used item in our kitchens…dishes! When planning for these, consider the ease of reach, proximity to the dish washer, reach-ability by kids….etc. You could do open shelving, or put them in lower cabinets or drawers. Again - lots of options here.
A lot of people end up putting utensils on their countertop but if you have the chance, think through placement of where you would like to store these. You’re designing the kitchen - you can find a place in a drawer or cabinet if you want!
Everyone has spices somewhere in their kitchen, and it’s inefficient to be transporting little bottles and dragging them across the kitchen all the time! Where will you be using these the most? Can you find a spot right next to that location?
Cookie Sheets and Cutting Boards:
These items are odd heights and shapes, so make sure you include a drawer or cabinet with dividers to make these easy to grab and store!